-= Attention X-philes: this file may hurt your sensitivity :-) =- Short description: Script for a new TV series that will come out someday... we hope not! :-) Original idea : The NewsDealer Wroten by : The NewsDealer Screenplay : The NewsDealer Casting : The NewsDealer Version : English Costumes : Paris' Morgue of the Dead Demons : Epicure, Descartes, Freud, and all those guys... Outer Space : Zyglufbl If you like this file, visit The X-Philo home page ! http://www.mygale.org/~xphilo You can contact me, the author, at newsdee@hotmail.com . Disclaimer: You may not print or distribute this text for profit. Say no to drugs. The characters shown here are fictious and are certainly not role models. In other words, don't try this at home. ----== O ==---- SOMEWHERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE UNITED STATES A DESERT WHERE THERE IS STRANGELY NOBODY IN 300 MILES ROUND 3H00 OF THE MORNING - PRESENT DAY [ SEEN FROM FAR AWAY ] A man is running in the night... he tries, breathless, to keep running at any cost. [ CLOSE-UP ] He's carrying a book with his right hand, and looks behind him, horrified, while running. He lets out little exhalations that sound like "No !" "No !" from time to time... [ FAR AWAY, FROM BEHIND ] The man falls on his knees, takes his head with his hands as if he wanted to compress it, and lets out a horrid scream: "AAAAAARRRRRRRGHHHHH!!!!!" [ Phonetic transcription of the music: Tureeteeteeteereeteeteereetee... Pon pon pon... fu fee fu fee fee fu... ] THE X X X X X - PHILO X X X X [ Teeturututeetu... Pon pon pon... fee fu fo fu fee fu... Tureeteereeteeteereeteetee... Pon... ] -PARANORMAL ACTIVITY- Starring: David Duchovny FBI, FOX MULDER -GOVERNEMENT DENIES KNOWLEDGE- Starring: Gillian Anderson FBI, DANA SCULLY -------------------- THE TRUTH IS IN HERE -------------------- LONE MAN'S DESERT NEXT DAY 9H00 OF THE MORNING Mulder and Scully appear from behind an ambulance. Dana is slowly fingering a police report... Scully: "Mulder, I never saw something like this... this man died from a cerbral convulsion but he has managed get here anyway..." Mulder: ( taking a look under the white sheet that hides the corpse ) "MMhh... Anyway, he is not bound to get any further." [ Title of the episode: The X-Philo ] ( a sherif appears and walks towars the two agents ) Sherif: "Agents Mulder and Scully I presume. We called you so you take a look cuz we, the cops from here, don't understand a single thing so we put years on the governemt so they send guys so they do weird investigations. This man was called Djorge Kterk and has not got any penal or medical record." Mulder: "Can I talk to the victim ?" [ to the victim ] "Djorge, have you ever had some extra ordinary experiences, paranormal visions, alien abductions, a long exposition to Barney or other pathogenic agents ?" ( we only hear the sound of flies over the corpse ) Mulder: "I understand you're still under a shock. If you ever want to talk about it, call me at this number." ( he drops a card on the corpse ) Scully: "Hey Mulder, comme and see this !" Mulder: "What ?" Scully: "Look, this book was the one this man held when he was running." Mulder: ( he takes the book ) "This may be useful..." [ ( Real asked question follows ) Reader: "Stoooop ! How did Scully know that the man was running ?" NewsDee: "Well, a quick analysis of the corpse revealed that his... No, just joking, it's not as weird as that. The footsteps on the sand are the answer..." ] HOTEL THE HOST AT 2 MILES OF THE DESERT IN A HUGE METROPOLIS WE WONDER WHAT THE HELL IT IS DOING THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOTHING Scully: ( entering ) "Always so busy ?" Mulder: ( hiding a big porn magazine ) "I was wondering if there is a link between this case and a similar one in 1869, where the victim fell to the ground and -according to witnesses- he held his head like it was about to explode." Scully: "And who was the victim ?" Mulder: "A guy called Bozo Zerj, who is buried in Alaska." GRAVEYARD THE GOOD LIVING ALASKA, ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE UNITED STATES SOME HOURS LATER Mulder: ( walking ) "We have an exhumation permit. Open this grave." Grave-digger: "There goes..." ( he starts digging ) [ Suddenly the sky goes black and a huge UFO appears over them. The UFO fires a big beam of energy on the grave and we see the coffin rise on the air and getinside the alien space ship. The UFO then dissapears as quickly as it came. ] Mulder: "Fascinating." Scully: "What ? I've seen nothing..." Mulder: "But... the UFO !!!" Scully: "Stop talking bloody nonsense, Mulder." Mulder: "Oh yeah ? And what about the coffin ?" Scully: "The grave-digger got away with it. He's a necrophile." Mulder: "And what about the big space ship ?" Scully: "Collective hallucination provoked by mushrooms. Frankly, Mulder, there's nothing paranormal here." [ In the meanwhile, behind them, we see a big green-glowing smelling alien trickling a transparent-green goo. The alien being passes without paying attention to the two agents. ] AN ISOLATED PLACE FAR FROM EVERYTHING Mulder: ( in his car, listening to the radio ) "Spaceman... I always wanted you to become a Spacem...." ( he turns off the radio as a car arrives and parks in from of Mulder's ) X : ( who's got out from the other car, entering in Mulder's one ) "As you surely guessed, this case involves the government direcly." Mulder: "This is another one of their tricks ! When will the truth come out ?" X : "People are not ready yet to learn this truth." Mulder: "Do you really believe they will bear all this, the lies, the false, any longer ?" X : "Listen carefully, Mulder. You are MY weapon. You must not try to deviate my plans." Mulder: "The truth must be known !" X : "Truth can kill, I won't hesitate to kill too if someone gets across my plans. Good night, Mulder". ( he leaves ) FBI CENTRAL BUILDING WHASINGTON DC 15H00 OF THE AFTERNOON ( they are walking in the corridor ) Mulder: "I've solved everything. In fact, it's very clear." Scully: "As black ink. Could you explain it to me ?" ( the enter in the X-Philo bureau ) Mulder: ( he opens a drawer, takes some sort of little sheets, and a pack of a kind of aromatic herbs... he mixes all that quickly, then says, triomphant: ) "The truth is in here !" ( pointing the joint he just rolled ) ONE HOUR LATER Mulder: ( who's completely stoned by the joint ) "In fact the ego of the guy has subliminated itself by the transfer of the other on the superego which provocated a psychosomatic degeneration who can only be explained by psychotropic effects who..." [ Scully gets out of the room and closes the door behind her. The camera follows her face. We hear, behind her, Mulder screaming "Help ! I'm being abducted by aliens !!!" ] Scully: "X File number XF345E,7. Due to lack of informations and the incapacity we have of understanding anything of this case, we are unable to solve this mistery. Case not closed." [ The cameras sweeps the table, where we can see photos of the corpse. In the middle of them, there is a photo of the book the man was holding while he ran. We can read the title which is written in big black letters: "PHILOSOPHY" ] [FADE OUT] EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: THE NEWSDEALER ---- ==== O ==== ---- Remember... The truth is in here! -> -=#' :-) -The NewsDealer e-mail: newsdee@hotmail.com